Lucullus – From Battlefield to Banquet Hall

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I wanted to share a couple things going on with the newsletter before we jump into this week’s article.

  1. Thank you - I appreciate all the responses to the polls and emails telling me which historical figures you are most interested in. I am finishing up a couple Roman figures and have a few Greek ones I’d like to cover first. But be on the lookout for some of your recommendations

  2. RE: Ads - I promise not to litter this newsletter with ads. However, I am trying a few select ads in the newsletter to help offset the cost it takes to host, write and market this newsletter. I will keep them to a minimum but if you are interested in the content of the ads please consider learning more to help this publication.

Okay let’s get into this week’s Roman Consul - Lucius Licinius Lucullus

Lucius Licinius Lucullus

The Early Life Of Lucullus

Lucius Licinius Lucullus, born around 118 BC, lived in an era of tremendous upheaval and transformation for the Roman Republic. This was a time marked by political intrigue, social strife, and expansive military campaigns. As Rome sought to consolidate and extend its power, figures like Lucullus played pivotal roles in shaping the empire's destiny. His life, a blend of military prowess and opulent leisure, offers timeless lessons on leadership, ambition, and the pursuit of excellence.

Lucullus’ Upbringing

Born into a patrician family, Lucullus was well-positioned to climb Rome’s social ladder. The late Republic was a period of both opportunity and danger for Rome's elite. The state was constantly in conflicts both within and beyond its borders, requiring its leaders to be both politically savvy and militarily capable. Lucullus’s upbringing in this environment undoubtedly influenced his future endeavors, giving him with the skills and ambitions necessary for his notable career. Here is a quick breakdown of his political career before we move into his military career.

Lucullus held various political offices, including

  • Quaestor: A quaestor was a public official responsible for financial and administrative duties, including managing the state treasury and overseeing military finances.

  • Aedile: An aedile was a magistrate in charge of public buildings, urban maintenance, and organizing public festivals and games.

  • Praetor: A praetor was a senior magistrate responsible for administering justice and overseeing the judicial system in Rome.

  • Consul: A consul was one of the two highest-ranking officials in the Roman Republic, serving as the head of state and military commander, with supreme executive authority.

His political career was closely tied to his military successes which we will get into next.

Military Campaigns: Context and Impact

Lucullus is best remembered for his military exploits during the Mithridatic Wars. These wars were not merely regional conflicts but were crucial in Rome's efforts to secure its eastern provinces and assert dominance over the Hellenistic kingdoms.

King Mithridates VI of Pontus

  1. Mithridatic Wars: The Mithridatic Wars were a series of three conflicts between Rome and King Mithridates VI of Pontus. Mithridates sought to challenge Roman authority and expand his own empire. Lucullus's role in these wars, particularly in the third Mithridatic War, was instrumental. His strategic brilliance was showcased in battles such as Tigranocerta (69 BC), where he defeated the forces of King Tigranes II of Armenia, an ally of Mithridates.

  2. Campaigns in Armenia and Mesopotamia: Lucullus extended his campaigns beyond Pontus into Armenia and Mesopotamia, further solidifying Roman control. These campaigns were driven by the need to eliminate Mithridates' support and secure Rome's eastern frontiers. His successes in these regions not only curtailed Mithridates' ambitions but also enhanced Rome's prestige and influence.

“Lucullus was the only general who conducted great wars in conformity with reason, and after the manner of a philosopher, and yet with the lavish magnificence of a king.” – Plutarch

Luxurious Lifestyle: A Double-Edged Sword

Following his military triumphs, Lucullus retired to a life of luxury. His estates and banquets became legendary, epitomizing the opulence of the Roman elite. While some criticized his extravagance, it is essential to understand this aspect of his life in the context of Roman societal values. The Romans valued displays of wealth as a testament to personal success and societal status.

  • Lucullus was renowned for his extravagant lifestyle and opulent banquets, which became legendary in Roman culture. The term "Lucullan feast" is still used to describe a lavish and sumptuous meal.

  • He built magnificent gardens and estates, particularly his famous villa at Tusculum, which showcased his wealth and love for luxury.

“Not to be angry with those who are less fortunate than ourselves, is a noble and humane thing, and also a wise one.” – Lucullus

Lessons for Today

Lucullus's life offers several valuable lessons for us today:

  1. Strategic Leadership: During the Battle of Tigranocerta, Lucullus demonstrated exceptional strategic foresight by luring King Tigranes II into a trap, decisively defeating a much larger force. This victory showcases the power of strategic thinking and planning. Today, this translates into the necessity for clear vision and precise execution in business and personal endeavors. Whether it's launching a new product or navigating a career change, having a well-thought-out strategy and being prepared to take decisive action can lead to significant achievements.

  2. Balance Between Work and Leisure: After his military successes, Lucullus retired to a life of unparalleled luxury, with his estates and banquets becoming the epitome of Roman opulence. He built magnificent gardens and hosted elaborate feasts that were the talk of Rome. While some saw this as excessive, it underscores the importance of enjoying the fruits of one's labor. In modern terms, this reminds us that while hard work is essential, it is equally important to take time to relax and enjoy life. Striking a balance between professional responsibilities and personal leisure can prevent burnout and enhance overall well-being.

  3. Philosophical Approach to Adversity: Faced with political opposition and the complexities of his campaigns, Lucullus often approached challenges with a philosophical mindset, maintaining composure and making reasoned decisions. For instance, despite being recalled from his command due to political machinations, he handled the situation with dignity and grace. In today's fast-paced world, adopting a thoughtful and measured approach to adversity can lead to better outcomes. Instead of reacting impulsively to setbacks, taking time to reflect and respond thoughtfully can help navigate challenges more effectively and maintain personal and professional integrity.

Learn More

One of my favorite resources lately has been Alex Petkas podcast on Ancient Rome and Greek leaders. Here is a series her did on Lucullus